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One Week of Group Classes - THE PLAN

Hi friends!  I'm trying something new this week to shake up the semi-funk I've been in lately with my workouts.  I only worked out once last week because I felt too busy with all the commitments going on.  Some weeks are like that, but they leave me feeling icky.  And, as y'all know, when we workout, our eating is typically better.  We don't workout so hard during the week, just to "blow it." So, this week, I'm doing a week (Monday - Friday) of group workouts.  I feel like I need the boost of energy and support you get when working out in a group.  There's a commitment because it starts and stops at a specific time and you do get a great workout.  Once the class gets started, it's rare that someone leaves without completing that class. 

I printed out the schedule and class descriptions of group exercise classes at my gym and found they typically have three options for the time of day I like to go (in the morning right after dropping my son off at school).  This works perfect for me, I just get up, get dressed/eat my protein pancake/get my son fed and ready for school and we're off.  No hair, makeup, or coffee (I prefer to linger with that after I get home and showered).  When I get home, I know my day is off to a great start because I got my workout out of the way! 

I chose a variety of classes so that I can experience different types of exercise and instructors.  If I really like one, I'll consider committing to that class for a longer period.  On Tuesdays, I'm sticking to our school running club, which is just a few women that run the 3-mile track at our local park right after drop off.  

Here's my schedule of GROUP CLASSES for this week with the class description below:

Monday- Yoga Body (8:30 - 9:30) YOGA
A well-rounded hatha yoga practice that will lightly warm you up and stretch you out while beginning to train your body for more advanced work.  Most appropriate for those who have prior yoga experience and are physically fit.  

I've never tried yoga (well, once, over ten years ago), so we'll see about this.  There was no other "beginner" yoga class offered at my timeframe.  I've have a couple of very close girlfriends who rave about yoga, and I'm eager to try it for the mind/body connection.  Any advice for this first-timer? 

Tuesday- Running Club (8:15 - 9:00) CARDIO
Run/walk intervals for 3 miles outside. 

We've increased our stamina lately, so we're running more, walking less. This is great because we are done quickly and I can get on with the rest of my day sooner. 

Wednesday- Cutting EDGE (8:30 - 9:30) STRENGTH
A more refined format including traditional weigh training combined with timed cardio intervals consisting of basic, athletic movements specifically designed to enhance the strength portion of the workout experience.

I definitely want to keep my strength up and my muscles toned, so I'm excited about this class.  I bet it will be hard- timed cardio intervals always are, especially if you push yourself. 

Thursday- Cycle Tech (8:30 - 9:15) CYCLE
An indoor cycling class designed to prepare you for race day; some of the techniques, specific ride profiles and drills are those used by competitive cyclists. 

I've met the instructor who teaches this class and I think he's a pretty hard-core cyclist.  I'm interested to see how his teaching technique is.  I hope the music is good!

Friday- Muscles (8:30 - 9:30) STRENGTH
A muscle conditioning class for all levels, using various resistance equipment to build strength resulting in a total body weight workout. 

My friends say the instructor who teaches this class is the best, and I can't wait to see for myself!

Hitting "publish" on this post and sharing this goal with you will keep me accountable to completing all these classes.   As far as my diet goes, my goal is simple- don't eat any sweets (ice cream, cookies, brownies, etc.) and drink lots of water- 55 ounces a day (about half my body weight in ounces).  

I will report back and let you know the classes went and whether I plan to stick with it.  
Will you commit to a joining a group class with me this week?


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