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Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Weeks Out

Hi friends!  Now we are only two short weeks away from my first NPC contest.  I'm excited and TIRED!  Of course now that the contest is almost here there is lots of other home and family stuff going on, but I'm still managing to get my workouts in and stick to my diet.  I just ordered Muscle Egg (chocolate caramel flavor) and cannot wait to get it.  It's going to replace my shake as my last meal.  I'm just not digging drinking a shake, but I think this will be more like chocolate/caramel milk.  We'll see . . . I'll let you know how I like it. 

Here's my latest progress picture taken on Sunday, June 22, 2014.  I am really proud of what I've accomplished.  I feel like a winner already.  


There are lots of final contest details that I'm foggy on and trying to get completed, I still need to:

  • Confirm hair stylist (or do it myself).  I'm leaning toward doing it myself.  I got my hair highlighted on Saturday, so I'm pretty blonde right now.  
  • Confirm makeup stylist.  The show has one appointed to it and I emailed her to see if she has availability and to get pricing info. 
  • Confirm spray tan.  I also need to decide if I'm doing it here before I leave or there.  And if there, when? I'm going to call the contest spray tan company tomorrow to get more info.
  • Go to my last bikini fitting.  I need to make sure it fits and looks great.
  • Buy jewelry.  Earrings and bracelet only.
  • Get nails done.  I'm doing french mani/pedi.
  • Make packing list.  Clothes, food, cooler, camera, etc.
  • Buy ticket to the show for my husband. 
I'm sure there's more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.  I have already:
  • Registered for the show.
  • Got my heels.
  • Reserved hotel room.  
My trainer has mentioned that I will only workout until the Wednesday before the show, then rest on Thursday, Friday and the show is Saturday.  Backstage, before I go on, I'll lift light weights to give my muscles a little pump.

Also, on that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, my diet will change and I'll cut out veggies and egg whites.  I'm not too sure on the specifics of what I'll be eating besides chicken and potatoes or rice cakes, but I think the goal is to deplete sodium.  I'll write a detailed post when I get more info.  


My focus this week is to stick to my diet, no cheating!, and get in five 45-minute cardio sessions and 5 weight-training workouts with my trainer.  I also need to try to get good sleep.  If there's one thing I've learned during this prep it's that, if I don't get about 7-8 hours of sleep before my workout, it's excruciatingly difficult to get through.  Oh, and I need to continue to practice my posing.  I'll do 2 posing sessions with my posing coach this week.  I woke up on Saturday morning and my back was so sore.  It took me a little while to realize it was from my posing session on Friday.  She was having me hold the line-up stage pose for several minutes (because I'll have to stand like that for possibly a long time on stage while all of us are up there) without fidgeting and while standing tall, sucking in, etc.  It's not a very comfortable position to hold.  I have a gift certificate for a massage- maybe I'll try to fit that in somewhere?? 

It's going to be a super busy week and I'm off to prepare my weekly schedule now- it's the only way I manage to fit everything in! 

I hope you have a great week! 


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