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Bikini Contest Prep (6 Weeks Out) My Daily Meals

I'm FINALLY in a really good groove with my meals.  Now that I've learned that I can actually season my food, I'm so much happier with the taste!  I (sorta) joked with my trainer/nutritionist that he could have mentioned that about 7 weeks ago!!  I eat the same thing over and over, but since I like it, I don't mind.  I still struggle with my last meal of the day (a protein shake or egg whites with side salad) because at that time of night (about 8pm) I just want a bowl of cereal.  I have caved and had cheerios several times. 

Protein Pancake:  My breakfast is a protein pancake that I eat around 7:30 a.m.  I top it with Molly McButter (butter flakes, also known as manna from Heaven after you haven't tasted butter for so long) and all natural fruit spread (both trainer approved).  My pancake is kind of like dense bread with butter and jelly.  I actually love it now.  I eat it like pizza.

I make my protein pancake with 1/2 cup of ground oats (I buy whole old fashioned oats and grind them in the food processor) with 3/4 cup of All Whites and a splash of water- less than 1/4 cup.  I used to make it with cinnamon and flax seed, but lately, have just been doing the 3 ingredients above.  I make one big pancake in a small skillet.  You flip it when it's just about solid on top.

After the pancake is cooked (I'll touch it to feel that it is firm), I cut it into 4 pieces let it cool on the stove top (or a wire rack) because I found that if I put it directly onto the plate, it was still steaming and got soggy.  

Meals 2, 3, and 4 are 5 oz of fish (mahi mahi), 4 oz of potato, and 1 cup of veggies (green beans or broccoli).  I eat this at about 11:30 a.m.; 3:00 p.m.; and 6:00 p.m.

FISH:  I buy individually wrapped fish fillets and defrost them in the fridge or in a bowl of hot water.  In the bowl of water, they only take about 5 minutes to defrost.  Then, I pat dry, sprinkle with Mrs. Dash and garlic powder and cook on the stove top on medium high heat for about 7 minutes.  I'm careful not to overcook it, and take it off the heat when it's just about cooked through so it's still moist and juicy inside.  This fish is really good and has a mild flavor.  

POTATOES:  I wash and prick with a knife, then microwave for 4-5 minutes.  Then I chop them up and toast them up in a skillet.  After they are browned, I season with Molly McButter.

VEGGIES:  I buy big bags of frozen veggies, measure 1 cup onto a plate and microwave for 3 minutes.  Then, season with Molly McButter.

SALAD:  I can also have salad (no iceberg lettuce) so I use romaine and spinach, with fat free dressing.

PROTEIN SHAKE:  My last meal (around 8:00 p.m.) is usually a protein shake with one scoop of protein and 6 oz of water. 

Until my trainer/nutritionist modifies my meal plan, this is what I'm eating.  Every day, all day.  My husband said he'll do this last month with me (but he'll do chicken and lean red meat instead of fish).  He's seen me lean up and wants to lose some weight too.  

I go for my bikini consult (where I choose my competition suit on Tuesday evening, so I'll be sure to report back about that experience).  Have a great week!


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