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Mila (Chia Seeds)

Have you heard all the good news lately about chia seeds? I met a new friend I instantly "clicked" with and she is an independent distributor of Mila (a blend of chia seeds), a whole, raw food and it's one simple thing we've incorporated into our food here lately.  

So far, I've been putting about 1/4 to 1/2 scoop of Mila in my protein pancakes, as well as these other dishes:

You can order Mila from my friend Dacia here:

Below are some of her tips for eating Mila. If you have any questions, please feel free to email her (  She's very knowledgeable about the product and is sincere about it's health benefits.

Eat Consistently and After Hydrating If Possible

Now that you have your bag of Mila please make sure to eat it daily and consistently. The bag is a 35 day supply. As we discussed, the recommended daily serving for adults is 1 of the scoops (in the bag = 2 Tbsp). It's suggested to start with 1/2 of the recommended amount so your GI has several days to adjust to the nutrition and raw fiber. The best way to eat your Mila is after it's "hydrated," which just means after it has had a chance to absorb water. If you're consuming it by drinking it in water, let it sit for at least 15-30 minutes before starting to drink it. If you decide to add it to a smoothie instead of just drinking it in water, put your Mila in a small bowl with a few tablespoons of water and let it absorb the water for at least 15-30 minutes and then add it to the smoothie.

Drinking in Water and Other Options

As I mentioned, my husband and I drink ours in a large water bottle over the first hour or so of the morning - we were surprised we don't mind consuming it that way. If you decide to consume it that way, a full scoop with 10 ounces of water will be quite grainy with a more thick consistency and a full scoop with 20 ounces of water makes the Mila hardly noticeable, so it's really just personal preference. Again, though, make sure to let the Mila hydrate for at least 15-30 minutes before starting to drink it. I recommend putting it in a large water bottle so that you can shake it. Between shaking it periodically and adding it to 20 ounces or more of water, I don't feel like it has anywhere near the thick, gritty consistency. If you don't like it in your water or want to try other ways to eat it, as we discussed there are lots of other ways to incorporate it into your diet - it mixes easily into things like peanut butter and it also retains all of its nutrient content in baked goods such as muffins or pancakes. If you want any recipes besides the power ball recipe, I'd be glad to pass them along.

Look for...

Pay close attention to things like satiation (feeling full and satisfied), bowel habits, energy levels, and sleep. Some people don't feel the health benefits and others feel a difference over days or weeks. If you experience anything like constipation, gas, or bloating, I've already learned that it's usually your GI adjusting to the nutrition and raw fiber. Adjusting how you're eating your Mila can alleviate those issues and will ease your body into the nutrition and fiber. If that happens, just call/text/e-mail me and I can give you some tips.


-Start with 1/2 scoop or 1 Tablespoon for approximately 1 week
-Try to hydrate (soak in water) for at least 15-30 minutes before consuming
-Use at least 16-20 ounces of water and shake periodically if you're drinking it in water and don't like the thicker consistency
-Contact me for suggestions to modify how you're eating your Mila if you experience any undesirable effects


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