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Quick Morning Oatmeal

Busy mornings are typical in most families and ours is no exception.  I'm a coffee-first-thing-in-the-morning kind of gal, but I also never go without breakfast.  A super quick and healthy breakfast is oatmeal.  Some mornings go so fast, I put my oatmeal in a cup and eat it in the car- shhhh!

My oatmeal is simple, just oats, sliced almonds, raisins, cinnamon, and topped with a little skim milk.

I toast the almonds in a dry skillet over medium heat for a few minutes to make them more flavorful and crunchy.  Watch them closely though- they can burn easily. 

Then I combine all the ingredients in a large canister and give it a good shake.

I keep a plastic scoop in the canister for easy scooping. 

And the whole mixture sits on the counter next to my coffee. 

You can also portion the dry oatmeal mix into 5 small plastic baggies and take them to work to eat in the office in the morning if you don't want to eat in the car! 

I add water, microwave for one minute, then add a little milk.
What's your quick go-to breakfast?  I also like toast and natural peanut butter.

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