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Jamie Eason Live Fit 12-Week Trainer Completed (My 12 Week Recap)

Okay guys, I finally finished the Live Fit 12 Week Trainer and got a pic snapped!  The picture on the left is me at Week 2 and the picture on the right is a few weeks after I completed week 12.  The changes may appear subtle, but I can say I feel more toned and tighter overall, especially in my shoulders, abs, and legs.  There were many times during the program where I felt like "this is hard!" but I didn't ever want to give up because I knew the results would be worth it.  I also came to crave the workouts because they are such a big stress reliever in my life.  I cannot tell you how much better you will feel after a hard, sweaty workout if you are having a bad day, tough time, or just need time to yourself.  Fitting in those workouts is a challenge, but I did them before work, after work, during the day, and on weekends- whatever worked.

The 12-week program is broken into 3 phases, which I posted about in detail previously.  Click below to read more.  

This program really works- especially if you follow the food (5-6 small meals every 3-4 hours).  I followed it pretty closely until about week 10, then fell off in still eating pretty well, but not often enough.  

Because I started out in decent shape, I feel like I reached my goal during Phase 2, but I still wanted to complete what I started.  

Week 9

After having completed this 12-week program, I can say that it REALLY works.  I've worked out pretty consistently since my early twenties, but never put on muscle and leaned out like this because I didn't put the workouts, supplementation, and food all together for a set time period.  

You can read more specifically about what I ate on the program HERE.  

You can read about my progress week by week by going HERE.

If you follow the program, you WILL see results.  I would love to hear you story!  Please email me with your questions and I'll write a follow up post with my answers.  

Some people have asked what I plan to do now that I've completed the training program.  I have continued doing some of my favorite workouts from the program and tried Pilates for the first time last week and really liked it.  I plan to do more spinning and running outside too. 

* * * * * 


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