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Healthy Granola Bites

Hi, lovely readers!  It’s Jennifer from The Chronicles of Home and I’ve got another healthy little treat for you today.  I started making these granola bites a few weeks ago as a way to satisfy my daughters’ late afternoon snack attack without ruining their appetites for dinner.  And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dip my hand into the bowl a lot of days, myself!  

They taste like a cross between granola and cookie dough and my girls would probably put down the entire batch of them if I didn’t limit them to 2 or 3 at a time.  They’re really filling and satisfying and full of healthy ingredients, so a perfect snack or even breakfast on-the-go if you’re really strapped for time, though we haven’t taken it there ourselves yet.

I like to make these in the food processor because it makes it that much quicker, and I like to have some of the raisins and chocolate chips chopped up into smaller bits.

The “dough” can be both a little crumbly and stick to your hands (seems like those two wouldn’t go together, doesn’t it?).  I didn’t really roll them into balls as much as press them into balls by squeezing back and forth between my hands and shaping into balls.  When they started to stick to my hands, I’d give a quick rinse to get off any sticky bits and then start again with damp hands.  I had to do this maybe twice during the making of them.

I store the granola bites in the fridge to keep them really fresh, though they might do fine at room temperature as well, but I can’t say how they hold up on the counter since I’ve always put mine in the fridge.

Hope you (and your kids) enjoy!

Granola Bites

1 c. oats
3/4 c. unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 c. raw almond butter
3 tbsp. flax seed meal
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1/4 c. semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 c. raisins
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 c. light agave nectar

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well mixed.

Scoop tablespoons into your hands and shape into balls.

Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Thank you for this post from contributing writer, Jennifer, of The Chronicles of Home.  You'll definitely want to check out her blog for more amazing recipes, beautiful home decor, and easy-to-follw DIY projects!


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