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Mushroom & Onion Sliders with Aioli Sauce

Every couple of weeks, I crave a juicy burger.  Usually, if ordering one at a restaurant, I can only get through about half, because it's so much food with the bun.  Sometimes I order the burger without the fun, and just eat it with a fork.  Do you do that too?

The other night, I made a sliders (just smaller burgers) and topped them with sautéed onions and mushrooms with a bit of aioli sauce.  We ate it with a side of spinach too.


To make the sliders, I used about one pound of lean grass fed beef and portioned them into 5 patties.  I seasoned them with a little low sodium soy sauce and cooked them in a grill pan on medium high for about 4-5 minutes per side until medium.  

Onions & Mushrooms

I cut the onions and mushrooms into small dice and chopped a few cloves of garlic.  Sautee the whole thing in a couple tablespoons of olive oil and season with salt and pepper.


I used a giant bag of spinach and sautéed it in a pot with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and garlic.  The spinach wilts down so don't be worried it seeming like too much. 


I made aioli by just combining low-fat mayo with dijon mustard and garlic.  Since it was just for two people, I added about 1/8 cup each of the mayo and mustard and one garlic clove.  You typically add a little lemon juice, but I didn't have any.  

*I always use a very light hand when seasoning with salt.  I think it's better to salt your food at the table because you end up using less and tasting it more. 

* * * * 


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