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Garlic Red Pepper Cauliflower Hummus (Our Fifth House)

Y'all are in for a treat today because one of my favorite people, Carmel of Our Fifth House, finally caved and agreed to share a healthy recipe with us today. Carmel's blog is definitely one of my daily reads and if you don't know her, I encourage you to stop by and say hello.  Tell her I sent ya! :)

I'm a little bit in love with Carmel's living room and bedroom, see why?!

Carmel's family eats gluten-free and has recently gone Paleo too.  In light of the Super Bowl this Sunday, she's sharing a healthy Garlic Red Pepper Cauliflower Hummus that you can snack on while you watch the commercials and halftime show game.

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Hi, healthy peeps, I'm Carmel from Our Fifth House.  As you may have guessed from the name of my blog I write about home related projects  - diy, design and organization.  While I'm definitely passionate about creating a home, I'm also a big lover of good, healthy food.  In fact, eating healthy is one of my biggest goals for 2013.  I've been gluten free since August of last year and made the full conversion to a paleo lifestyle in January.  I call it a lifestyle because that's what it is to me  - a lifestyle - not a diet.  If you're not familiar with "paleo eating" this is a great place to start to learn more.  Very basically eating paleo is about eating good healthy unprocessed food - meats, veggies, fruits, nuts and healthy fats.

What you might notice is missing from the above list other than grains is legumes.  Giving up grains is not a huge issue for me but legumes??  That was much harder.  I've always been a big fan of legume rich foods and my all time favorite healthy snack pre-paleo was hummus, which is traditionally made from chickpeas.  After doing a little research and kitchen taste testing, I've found a great alternative to chickpea hummus using cauliflower.

garlic red pepper cauliflower hummus

This hummus is soooooo good and it packs a major veggie punch - dipping veggies in veggies.......who knew it could taste so good?!

The trick to using cauliflower in this recipe is to steam it until it's pretty soft  - like when you can fork through it easily.

It's so easy to make, and I like it even better than chickpea hummus which is why I wanted to share it here.  Even if you're not paleo you will love this!   I've been making it on the same nights that I make mashed cauliflower (replacement for mashed potatoes) for dinner.  Making dinner and making snack food for the week at the same time cuts down on the work time in the kitchen and helps me to make good snacking choices throughout the week.  When your trying to eat healthy it is so helpful to plan ahead!

Snacking has always been a problem area for me, so having a healthy, easy-to-grab tasty snack ready to go in the fridge is so important for me!

How do you deal with the snack monster?

Thanks so much Megan for having me over to share a recipe today!  You're such an inspiration for us all!


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