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Showing posts from June, 2014

Bikini Contest Preparation // One Week Out!

Hi friends!  If you're reading this, you may have stuck with me from the very beginning when I started training for this NPC Bikini Competition .  Thank you so much!  I have felt the support and it has encouraged me all the way to this point- with just one week to go.  I've mentioned before on my Facebook page and Instagram  that I often read my Instagram comments and respond while I'm doing cardio.  I can't tell you how much it helps to feel like people are rooting for you.  The day of the contest, the women may look all glammed up, but most of the time, we are stinky, sweaty messes, always in workout clothes without hair and makeup done.  I have to say that one of my most favorite times of the day is AFTER working out when I get to take a long, hot shower and get all fresh and clean.  When you aren't getting lost in the comfort/joy of food and eating, you are forced to find pleasure in other things.  I'm still enjoying my coffee (so much) and have a new appre

Bikini Contest Prep // 2 Weeks Out

Hi friends!  Now we are only two short weeks away from my first NPC contest.  I'm excited and TIRED!  Of course now that the contest is almost here there is lots of other home and family stuff going on, but I'm still managing to get my workouts in and stick to my diet.  I just ordered Muscle Egg (chocolate caramel flavor) and cannot wait to get it.  It's going to replace my shake as my last meal.  I'm just not digging drinking a shake, but I think this will be more like chocolate/caramel milk.  We'll see . . . I'll let you know how I like it.  Here's my latest progress picture taken on Sunday, June 22, 2014.  I am really proud of what I've accomplished.  I feel like a winner already.   TO DO LIST There are lots of final contest details that I'm foggy on and trying to get completed, I still need to: Confirm hair stylist (or do it myself) .  I'm leaning toward doing it myself.  I got my hair highlighted on Saturday, so I'm pretty blonde right n

Best Sports Bras

This post has been a long time coming.  I've been wanting to share my favorite sports bras with you because I know that finding a good one is so important!  I'd love to hear about your favorite sports bras too! Under Armour 'Still Gotta Have It" Print Racerback Sports Bra This sports bra is comfortable, lightweight, and fits well.  I wear it for medium-intensity cardio and weight workouts.  Basically, it's my 'go-to' sports bra that I wear most often.   I'm a 32 D bra typically, and I wear a size Medium in this bra.  Amazon  sells them too and offers them in other colors.   Under Armour 'Seamless Essential' Sports Bra I like this kind of sports bra also, but more for just weight training.  I also wear this as a regular bra with clothes because it's also so lightweight and seamless.  I adore this lemon color! Moving Comfort 'Fiona' Sports Bra This is my absolute favorite sports bra to run in.  It's comfortable and you can adjust t

Bikini Contest Prep // 3 Weeks Out

With just 3 weeks left until my bikini contest , I'm finally feeling confident that I'll be able to hold my own on stage.  This is such a big relief!  It just goes to show that over time, with the right diet and exercise, how much you can change your body.  Of course, I'd love to win, but in reality, just changing my physique to this degree and making it to the contest without chickening out is a big win in my book!  And eating clean for so long is a big deal.  I'm a girl who LOVES her sweets!  Chocolate, ice cream, ice-tall 2-pump mocha from Starbucks, cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies . . .  I digress.   I was thrilled to learn I got to have a specific cheat meal on Saturday night at a restaurant!  I haven't had a true "date night" in a very long time, so this was good news.  Even though there was no alcohol involved.  The meal I was allowed to have was steak (no oil and no butter) I ordered a 6 oz filet, plain baked potato, and dessert (I got the molto

Bikini Contest Prep // 4 Weeks Out

We're in the final stretch now, and I'm really starting to look forward to the end.  This last two weeks I had to kick it into high gear to try to lose more weight and body fat.  I did it by upping the intensity of my cardio and staying as strict as possible on my diet.  As of today, I weighed 106 (at the gym, 103-4 at home) and am at 17% body fat (down from 109 gym pounds and 19% body fat two weeks ago).  I started this journey at 25% body fat and 110 pounds (at home).   Go here to see my pics at 15 weeks out . For cardio, I'm doing 45 minutes, 5 days a week and it's usually on the treadmill at a 15 incline and a speed of 2.7-3.0.  If I need a break, I lower the incline for a couple minutes, then ramp it back up.  I'm also doing more ab exercises (at the end of each workout).  I use my iPod and iPhone to pass the time and also met a woman who also does cardio at the same time so we'll chat.  For abs, I typically do 2 ab exercises 4 times and 20 reps.  I'm w

Bikini Competition Suit

Last week, I went to order my bikini competition suit at Stakked Couture in Houston, at the recommendation of my trainer and posing coach.  Lining the walls when you walk in is a sample of the type of bikinis they make.  It was explained to me that for the "bikini" division, the women wear bikinis with "connectors" (the blingy side things) as opposed to a "figure" or "bodybuilding" suit, that has the high "V" sides that connect with the bikini top in the back.  I had no idea.  I had to fill out a form with my measurements, anticipated contest weight (I'm 108 now when I weigh at the gym, but I'm 104 at home first thing in the morning).  I guessed 104 (gym scale) for my contest weight.   Then, I had to choose my fabric color.   I originally had in mind that I would wear turquoise, but still wanted to see what they had.  Upon seeing their selection, I knew right away I didn't want pink, orange, or yellow.  I considered purple f