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Showing posts from May, 2014

Bikini Contest Prep- 6 Weeks Out Progress Update

I went for my bikini consult to order my suit and I'll share that with you next, just off to the gym now and wanted to post my latest progress update. Although things are coming together, and if I hadn't committed to this contest, I'd be very satisfied with where I am now, but I still have lots more work to  do to get "competition ready."   My body fat is 19% right now, but it only came down from 19.75 in the last two weeks.  We are looking for it to come down at least one point a week, so my trainer was saying he needed to adjust my diet. I had to confess the Cheerios I was eating at night.  He explained that ideally I would lose another 8 pounds before the contest, so every calorie counts and eating carbs right before bed is not a good idea. In fact, he prohibited any carbs after 6 PM from now on. I promised no more Cheerios, and I would instead be drinking my protein shake like I was supposed to.  I've been doing that the last couple days and I am hungry at

Bikini Contest Prep (6 Weeks Out) My Daily Meals

I'm FINALLY in a really good groove with my meals.  Now that I've learned that I can actually season my food, I'm so much happier with the taste!  I (sorta) joked with my trainer/nutritionist that he could have mentioned that about 7 weeks ago!!  I eat the same thing over and over, but since I like it, I don't mind.  I still struggle with my last meal of the day (a protein shake or egg whites with side salad) because at that time of night (about 8pm) I just want a bowl of cereal.  I have caved and had cheerios several times.  Protein Pancake:  My breakfast is a protein pancake that I eat around 7:30 a.m.  I top it with Molly McButter (butter flakes, also known as manna from Heaven after you haven't tasted butter for so long) and all natural fruit spread (both trainer approved).  My pancake is kind of like dense bread with butter and jelly.  I actually love it now.  I eat it like pizza. I make my protein pancake with 1/2 cup of ground oats (I buy whole old fashioned

Before & After Success Story (Valerie)

Hearing from readers on similar fitness journeys makes me so happy.  It makes me feel like we're all in this together.  I would love to celebrate you and feature your success story here.  Send me an email at: via   Valerie wrote in explaining how she has lost nearly 100 pounds!  Can we take a minute and just let that soak in?? Wow! Talk about a journey that you truly have to take one day at at time.  I am so proud of her and couldn't wait to share her story with you.  I hope this gives encouragement to anyone who wants to lose a significant amount of weight.  I can tell from her face that she is so much happier now that she's a more fit person.  And it wasn't easy for her- she works and has kids with sports activities, so she wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to get her workouts in.  Valerie, big hugs to you girl!  You can visit her blog too- Fabulous Chick Gets Fit  and follow her on Instagram  IG: @fabchickgetsfit Age, height, and weight ("before&

Bikini Contest Prep (8 Weeks Out Recap)

This Saturday will be 7 weeks until my bikini contest.  Seven weeks sounds so much shorter than 8 weeks, less than 2 months away.  I'm getting a little freaked out because, up to now, I'm mostly just thinking day to day with my food and the training, not really focusing on having to get on stage at the end of this all and be judged.  The scariest part of this is the posing that's required at these bikini shows.  It's not traditional flexing, showing of biceps, but there is a certain way of standing and doing some turns to show off your body from every angle.  In the photo below, the girl in the middle is holding the best pose the way she is twisting her torso. via  IFBB News Online This is a good example of the pose I'm learning.   This woman, Candice Conroy, placed 1st in the Pro Bikini Division at a 2013contest.  She's 5'2- short like me! :) via IFBB News Online I have a posing coach and we've worked together twice, 30 minutes each time.  I have two m

Bikini Contest Prep // 8 Weeks Out // Sample LEG Workout

Hi friends! Thank you so much for following along on this fitness journey of mine.  This Saturday marks 8 weeks out from the bikini competition.  I guess this is where the rubber meets the road so to speak because I have more tweaks to my training and diet.  I weighed in today (May 8, 2014) at 108 pounds and 19% body fat.   We will be measuring every 2 weeks.  Back on April 1, he measured me at 25.5%, so I've lost about 6% body fat in 6 weeks.  I was also 113 pounds, so I'm down 5, but I've gained muscle I'm sure.  I'm aiming to get to about 10% body fat, so my trainer said he wants to modify my diet.  Well, it's already so strict, I didn't want him to cut anything, so I had to fess up that I'm still adding a small amount of peanut butter to my pancakes (and sometimes I eat those twice a day) and I sometimes only get 4 of my 5 meals in.  He was very stern about "peanut butter is not on the meal plan" and explained that everything I put in my bo

Do What You've Never Done

Now that I've been on this stricter bikini body meal plan for 3 weeks (along with my training), I can really see a difference in my physique.  My last post ( 10 weeks out from competition date ) gives you a recent before/after photo.  I weighed myself today (which I do first thing in the morning for consistency) and it said 106.6.  I started at 110.? five weeks ago- so I've lost 4 pounds.  But keep in mind, I'm losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time.  Down 4% body fat according to my trainer's calipers. I'm a couple pounds heavier on my trainer's scale (probably because we weigh later in the day and I'm wearing shoes- but it's still a consistent 3-4 pounds lost.  I have NEVER trained this hard so consistently or eaten this way so consistently.  And I'm reaping the results.  It makes eating the same thing over and over not so bad.  I never realized how LONG it takes to get in this kind of shape and the EFFORT you have to put in.  I see now th