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Showing posts from February, 2014

Workout Shoes & Self Tanner

Two things last week have given my workouts a little boost- new shoes and self-tanner. ;)  I'm a big fan of ASICS running shoes and asked for a new pair for my birthday.  Love this pop of orange and pink!   Good energy for working out! I got mine at Sports Authority  on sale for $99 (Gel Evate) hot pink/white/sunshine. but these below are similar at Nordstrom for the same price.  ASICS GT-1000 (Raspberry/White/Mango) A good pair of shoes is an investment that serves you well.   On another note, I like being tan, but understand that tanning beds aren't good for you so I'm staying out.  I will be at the pool this summer, but until then I'm using self-tanner.  My girlfriend told me she buys Sephora Tinted Self Tanning Body Mist by the case and swears by it, so I picked up a bottle.   (Thanks Angela!)  After using it twice, I'm a convert.  This is the first spray tanner I've used and it's so much easier than rubbing in a lotion!  I just showered and dried off

Operation Get Lean // Week 3 Recap

Happy Monday y'all!  I am excited to report that after 3 weeks of clean eating (with the exception of cheesecake on my birthday and a terrible Sunday- more on that below) and lifting heavy weights 5 days a week, I am seeing some results!  Here's the latest picture from my Instagram (@honeywerehome).   I want to show you a real life representation so I don't use any filter on these pictures.  I've only lost about 1 1/2 pounds in 3 weeks (112.5 to 111), but I'm not too concerned with the scale since I know muscle weighs more than fat.  But, I am concerned with buttoning my jeans and I'm not having a problem with that anymore! THE WORKOUTS 5 minute treadmill warmup (speed at 4.0), then go directly to planks - 3 for 1 minute & 30 seconds with a two minute rest in between.  This week I focused on lifting as heavy as I could for 8-10 reps of 3-4 sets, resting about 45 seconds to 1 minute in between sets.  I usually do at least 6 exercises during each workout.  Mon

Chicken Breast Sandwich

I'm looking for other ways to get my protein in each day.  I eat a lot of skinless, boneless chicken breast and really like it the Tex Mex way, and just made a regular ole sandwich today.  I'm not banning bread, I just make sure to eat 100% whole wheat and eat it earlier in the day.   On my sandwich, I put chicken, light mayo, 2% American cheese, and arugula and butter lettuce. I've been buying thin sliced chicken breasts.  Each one is about 4 ounces and they cook more evenly.  I cook them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes with a tiny bit of olive oil and Tony Chachere's No Salt Seasoning, then store them in the fridge.  My favorite bread . . .  Arugula and butter lettuce . . .  Mmmm . . .  _________________

Vitamins & Supplements

Like many of you, I was completely confused about what vitamins and supplements I should be taking.  It seems like there's so much information to absorb that it can get overwhelming quickly.  Couple that with some vitamins should be taken with food, some combined with others, some on an empty stomach, and some not with others.  Ahhh!  I happen to be a fan of Dr. Oz, so I often listen to his recommendations and then read/research and ask other people about what they are doing.  Here's where I am now with my vitamins and supplements. I take the vitamins/supplements pictured above every day.  But, I've built up to this slowly over time.  I started over a year ago just taking a multivitamin and using protein powder in my shakes to help repair and build muscle.  Then, when I started doing the Live Fit plan, Jamie Eason recommends adding Fish Oil   (1000mg) and BCAA (branched chain amino acids), so I added those too. ( Read more about those here .) The BCAA is the bottle of &

Tuna Salad

Wanting to change up my meals, I made tuna salad this week.  It's so easy to prepare because you're not cooking anything (except boiling eggs if you want egg whites in yours).  I eat mine over greens (butter lettuce and arugula), but it's also good as a sandwich on whole wheat bread.  One of my favorite things my Grandma used to make for me was a tuna melt.  She put the tuna on a piece of toast with a slice of cheese on top, then microwaved it for about 30 seconds.  It's really good that way! Because I wanted to make enough to eat for several meals, I used: INGREDIENTS 2 large cans of albacore tuna in water 1 onion chopped finely Relish (about 1/4 cup of sweet & 1/4 cup of dill) 5 cooked egg whites chopped  3/4 cup light mayo  Butter lettuce and arugula (I just put a handful of each in my bowl)   *a squeeze of lemon is good too, but I didn't have any I'm guessing on the measurements of the relish and mayo because I didn't precisely measure, I just scoope

Operation Get Lean // Week 2 Recap

Two weeks down and I'm starting to notice some results.  I have been very committed to my meal plan and the workouts, and I want all the results immediately, but I'm taking it one day at a time. Having a photo to remind me where I started and track my progress really helps me stay motivated.  Here's a pic I shared on Instagram .  The pictures were taken 1 week apart, both on Friday morning (after week 1 and after week 2). THE WORKOUTS I start my workouts with a 5 minute treadmill warmup (speed at 4.0), then go directly to planks - trying to do 3 for at least 1 minute, 30 seconds with a two minute rest in between.  Then I do my weight workout for about 40 minutes or so and then 20 minutes of cardio.  The whole thing takes about 1 hour  and 20 minutes.  I keep my earphones in and don't chat.  Monday - Back, 3 planks, 20 minutes of cardio (sprints 30 seconds on and off at a 7.0 mph) Tuesday - Biceps & Triceps, 25 minutes of cardio (18 incline at 2.5 mph - don't h

Peanut Butter Brownie Bliss Valentine's Treat (You Won't Feel Guilty About)

With Valentine's Day approaching, we might be looking forward to indulging in our favorite sweet treats.  For me, chocolate tops the list.  Pairing chocolate with peanut butter is even better! One of my favorite treats is homemade  peanut butter cups , but they are a little time consuming to prepare and high in calories and sugar.  If you are looking for something with chocolate and peanut butter to satisfy your sweet tooth, you may want to try these . . . Peanut Butter Brownie Bliss.  Yumminess! Since I feel like Valentine's Day should be shared among friends as well as honeys, I gave a few of mine this simple treat.  Dressed up in cute packaging makes it even cuter.   I used a paper mache hexagon box and filled it with  crinkle cut paper and  foam heart stickers . Then, I affixed a doily and glittery red heart to the top of the box with spray adhesive.  And decorated the rim of the box with washi tape. Everyone loved them and couldn't even tell they are made by . . .  Wei

New Dr. Oz Magazine // The Good Life

While browsing the bookstore the other day, I happened upon a new magazine by Dr. Oz, The Good Life .  Of course I picked up a copy and, so far, I really like it!  If you aren't familiar with Dr. Oz, he's a heart surgeon and professor who became popular as a regular guest on Oprah and now has his own show, although he still practices medicine.  His credentials are stellar , but what most people love about him is how he puts health lessons into terms we can understand and implement in our own lives. The first issue has great information about multivitamins what Dr. Oz is eating now . . . exercises for a tighter booty. . . and how to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks. You can order The Good Life  HERE  and it also comes in a Kindle edition. Oxygen  is my other go-to magazine for fitness inspiration.  I keep all old copies as references for exercises and recipes.  You can order it  HERE . Muscle & Fitness Hers  is also really good and is pretty inexpensive for a subscription ($1.66 pe

Operation Get Lean - Week 1 Recap + TREADMILL SPRINT INTERVALS

Last week, starting Sunday, I began training and eating to get lean and add muscle with a goal of looking something like the photos below.  I'm crazy for those shoulders and abs!  I've never really had nice shoulders and arms like that and I want to see if I can get them.   via Via source searched for and not found via Slightly embarrassing to post my pic, but I wanted to document my progress, so here's where I'm starting.  I have been doing a lot of reading, researching, and remembering what trainers and fitness competitors I've known have told me throughout the years.  To get results like that, you have to lift weights, do cardio, and eat clean.  There's really no secret.    A few days ago, I posted my current eating regimen and I'm happy to report I have stuck to it 100%.  I have planned a cheat meal for Saturday night, but plan to continue my clean eating Saturday day and on Sunday and the next week, etc.  I really want to see what eating like this COMB

Before & After with Andrea from Worley House

Andrea of Worley House is sharing her weight loss success story with us today.  I'm super proud of this girl.  She lost 68 pounds by eating healthy and working out AT HOME.  If you have weight to lose, take heart, Andrea saw big improvements in just three months!  She's got two kids (one my son's age) and a younger one as well.  Please leave Andrea a comment on this post so that she knows she has inspired you.  It's brave of her to share her story!  Also, check out her blog - I think you'll like it!  Hi Honey We're Healthy Readers! My name is Andrea Worley, I blog over at my little slice of the Internet called Worley House! I'm so honored that Megan asked me to share a bit of my story here, on a topic I never thought I'd ever share about; weight loss and becoming healthy.  I had my second baby in December 2012, my pregnancy with #2 was much harder on my body, I gained about the same amount of weight that I did with my first but I was already over weigh