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Showing posts from December, 2012

Live Fit Phase 3

Last year I started the Live Fit 12 Week Trainer and saw really great results after completing Phase 1 and Phase 2 (the first 8 weeks), then I had a leg injury that prevented me from completing the last phase.  Also, I had gotten pretty lean in the first 8 weeks, so I felt okay waiting to finish. To recap, here are some pics of the first 8 weeks, unfortunately I didn't get pictures of each week so these are the only ones I have to share.  (Isn't it amazing how much better we can look with a tan?)  Now that I'm all healed, I'm starting Phase 3, the last 4 weeks of the Live Fit Trainer.  The last phase focuses on high intensity interval training (HIIT) for maximum fat burning while maintaining the muscle you've gained.  Also, there is "carb cycling" to help reduce fat.  Because I'm already pretty lean and don't want to get too much leaner, I will probably continue eating the way I did during weeks 1-8, that is, every 3-4 hours, with "cheat mea

Getting Fit in the New Year

Hi all!  I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and are ready to ring in the new year!  Many of us have set fitness goals for ourselves and there's no time like the new year to start turning your goals into reality and your plans into action. If you want to get yourself and your family healthier in the new year, this blog is for you. :)  Last year, I wrote about Getting Started Getting Fit , Making Time to Workout , Time Management Routines , and Waking Up Early to Workout , all of which will help get you started and on your way to a more fit lifestyle.  (Click the photo below to read the entire post). I've also posted my most current workout routine, the Live Fit 12 Week Trainer.  As the name suggests, it's a 3 month program that provides specific details about what to eat and when, the workouts to do, and proper supplementation.  I completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 last year and am starting Phase 3 now.  I'll share that last part of the program with you later this week.  

Multigrain Buttermilk Pancakes

Please join me in welcoming back Honey We're Healthy contributor Jennifer of The Chronicles of Home .  She never disappoints with her recipes and today is no different.  As you know, we love pancakes around here, and today Jennifer is sharing how she makes multigrain buttermilk pancakes.  Enjoy! Multigrain Buttermilk Pancakes Buttermilk pancakes are sort of the gold standard when it comes to pancakes.  When you're looking for a fluffy, pillowy, nostalgically good pancake, buttermilk is the way you want to go.   Classic buttermilk pancakes, however, while delicious, don't have a whole lot of redeeming health qualities.  They're usually made with white flour and white sugar and will probably leave you hungry again in a few hours. This multigrain version of a classic buttermilk pancake includes whole wheat flour, cornmeal, oats, and flax seed meal.  It swaps honey for most of the white sugar as well.  You can expect a fluffy, lightly sweet pancake with a bit more tooth an

Nordstrom $100 Gift Card Winner!

Thank you all for your readership and comments on this blog.  I'm thrilled to celebrate you today and couldn't wait to see who won the $100 gift card to Nordstrom!  And the winner is . . . . Thank you to everyone who entered! Have a great weekend! Via

Homemade Low Fat Chocolate Mocha

This time of year, I love to sip on a hot cocoa.  It just turned cold here, so it's especially toasty to drink one at night.  I make mine with skim milk and Ghiradhelli double chocolate powder.  Their serving size is 4 tablespoons, but I think 2 is plenty.  To make it into a mocha, I add one scoop of espresso powder.  To be decadent, top with a swirl of fat free whip cream.  Even fat free whip cream is delicious. Nutrition:   * * * * *  The winner of a $100 Nordstrom gift card will be announced on Friday.  Go HERE to enter!

Turkey Chili

Here is another high protein meal that I like to make on the weekend, then refrigerate for leftovers throughout the week.  I don't think I ever make it exactly the same way twice, since I'm always tweaking the spices, cooking time, and ingredients. Below is a basic recipe that you can adjust based on your taste preferences. Ingredients 1 large onion, diced 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 1/4 lb extra lean ground turkey 3 cloves of garlic minced chili powder- 2 teaspoons black pepper- 1/2 teaspoon cumin- 4 tablespoons (I like a lot, maybe I use more??) chili beans- 1 or 2 cans, rinsed diced tomatoes, undrained- 1 can 14 oz tomato paste- 1 can 6 oz chicken broth- 1can 14 oz 2% shredded cheese for topping Directions Heat oil in a large dutch oven or pot on medium heat.  Add onions until translucent.  Add turkey and break into small pieces.  Cook until browned. Stir in garlic and spices. Add beans. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, and chicken broth. Then I start tasting and adjusting the spic

My Fit Foods

I wanted to share with you a food shortcut that I've used in the past that really works well when you don't have time to cook, but want to eat healthy.  I typically like to cook our meals, but this is another option.   My Fit Foods  is pre-cooked, fresh, refrigerated packaged meals that you just heat up for a couple minutes and they are ready to eat.  A while back, we bought enough meals for our family for several lunches and dinners.  I buy the small, but the large would be about enough for two meals for me.  Normally, I might just buy a couple a week to take to work for lunch so I don't have to go out or bring leftovers. One of my favorite meals is the Atlantic Baked Salmon with quinoa and broccoli.  But I also really like the salmon cakes, chicken wrap, and chili.  They have breakfasts too and tons of choices. The  nutrition information  is provided on each package, like this for my salmon: All of the meals are based on a   40% low glycemic carbohydrates, 40% lean protei

Great Grandma's Hot Chicken Salad

Today's recipe comes all the way from my beloved, late Great Grandma, and it was passed down to me by my Grandma.  My Grandma is a great cook and she's always sending me recipes and healthy eating articles she's clipped from magazines, since she's diabetic.  I love that this Hot Chicken Salad recipe is in her own sweet handwriting.  You can tell I've used it a bunch since the notecard is worn and dirty- a great sign of a good dish! Over the years, I've tweaked the recipe some and added a few new ingredients.  I never really measure anymore, opting to just toss everything in- about a cup of each vegetable.   Ingredients 1 Rotisserie Chicken - I like to use the white meat only  Olive oil - couple tablespoons Onion - diced Carrots- diced Celery- diced  Peas- frozen Garlic- couple cloves minced Light mayonnaise - 1/2 cup Cream of mushroom soup- one can Fat free milk- a glug  Sliced olives - small jar Prepared Pesto - couple tablespoons  Lemon juice - couple squeezes