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Showing posts from March, 2014

Bikini Contest Prep // THE PLAN

I started working out with my trainer this week and it's been very challenging.  I'm training to enter a fitness bikini contest that is just shy of 15 weeks away- July 5.  This post is a brief overview of the training plan so that you can get started too.  If you want a bikini body this summer, you need to start working on it now!  As the weeks progress, if the plan changes, I'll let you know.  I will also break down the exercises into more specific details in future posts.     Jennifer Nicole Lee image via For now, here's the plan:  TRAINING PLAN (15 WEEKS OUT) WORKOUTS Workout 3 days a week with my trainer (1 hour sessions, hitting all body parts in those 3 sessions).  The workouts consist of plyometrics - also known as "jump training" based on having your muscles exert maximum force in as short a time as possible.  The result is to make you burn calories and fat, seeing body-shaping results sooner as your muscles adapt to more challenging fitness workouts

Extra Lean Ground Turkey Fried Rice

Oh my goodness friends!  I made a meal that I'm in love with and couldn't wait to share it with you. Last week I posted about my pre-made extra lean ground turkey meals.  I ended up adding 1/3 cup of steamed brown rice to get some carbs in and then, to change it up, I decided to make it Asian and fry up an egg and onion in a tiny bit of peanut oil (a "good" fat) and then added in the pre-made meal.  It is so good!  Here is a pic of the pre-made meals (before I added the steamed brown rice). To make the meals: Extra lean ground turkey (I buy 99% lean) - brown it with mushrooms, chopped onion, garlic, about 2 tablespoons of worchestershire sauce, low sodium soy sauce, and Dijon mustard Steamed chopped veggies (I used zucchini, squash, and carrot) Steamed brown rice  In each meal is about 3/4 cup of the meat, 3/4 cup to 1 cup veggies, 1/3 cup of rice. To make the fried rice version: Fry up some eggs in a tablespoon of peanut oil along with chopped onion (scallions woul

Bikini Competition Prep (15 Weeks Out)

I have always wanted to enter one of those fitness bikini competitions, but never have.  My first one will be July 5, 2014! via Jamie Eason has been my inspiration because she is short like me and I admired her physique, thinking mine could look similar if I really dedicated myself. via I know that to get in that kind of shape, you have to train hard consistently, but equally as important, you have to eat in a very regimented way (5-6 small meals a day with a specific balance of protein, carbs and fat).  I never thought I had the discipline to sustain that kind of lifestyle for any length of time so I let that goal go, and went on with life, but continued working out and  tried  to stay in shape.  But, back of my mind, I always wished I would have gone for my goal and wondered, "What if?".   Last year, my cousin began competing in fitness competitions (over age 40!) and she recently visited from California, encouraging me to enter one this year as well.  She helped me get on

Operation Get Lean // Week 6 Recap

Hello 6 weeks!  I'm happy to report that I'm still sticking to my "get lean" program and I'm definitely seeing results- which inspires me to continue.  I saw on Pinterest recently a quote that said, "Summer bodies are made in the winter."  Luckily, we still have some time until summer, so might as well start now!  It's a bummer to be uncomfortable in your clothes when it's hot and sticky outside.  I post progress pictures on my Instagram (@honeywerehome) and use #honeywerehealthy if you want to follow along.   (This pic was snapped on Sunday, right after my shoulder workout.  If only they always looked so buff!)  THE WORKOUTS 5 minute treadmill warmup (speed at 4.0), then go directly to planks.  I actually held a plank for 5 minutes!!! on Sunday.  (Which goes to show that often our physical ability is greater than our mental limitations.)  Having my stopwatch on my phone helps because I can see how long it's been.  I just felt good and wanted

Leg & Glute Workout

Happy Friday to you!  Today is a "rest" day - yippee, I need it!  I've trained heavy Monday through Thursday with my sleep all messed up and finally got a good night's rest last night.  I feel so much better.  We are having a bout of gorgeous weather here and I'm chaperoning a class field trip today so it's going to be a great day.   Below is the LEG & GLUTE workout I did recently.  I'm training to add more muscle definition to my legs- I have lost so much over the years.  My calves are genetically round thanks to my mom, who has the same legs.   SMITH MACHINE SQUATS I always start with these, a great compound exercise that works primarily the thighs, hips, butt, quads, and hamstrings.  The "Smith Machine" keeps the barbell steady and will only move up and down (as opposed to forward and backward), providing more stability.  I put that cushion on the bar too behind my neck because it's more comfortable.   Image via JP Training Systems LEG

Tricep/Bicep WORKOUT

Ready to get some nice, shapely arms?!  Here is a great workout for your biceps and triceps.  I used to not care too much about tricep or back exercises, but they are necessary to achieve that sculpted looked I'm going for.   I've got a pretty good bicep coming along- it doesn't look that pumped unless I'm flexing though.   This workout incorporates "dips" and "pushups" which you can do at home too. SEATED TRICEP PRESS Image via Katsized DIPS (triceps) I put my feet out farther than pictured below, it's more difficult that way. Image via Women's Health PUSHDOWNS  (triceps) Image via Nathalie Holmstroms  Image via Don't be intimidated by the machines.  Ask a trainer how to use them if you are unsure.  But, they usually have a modular that shows the body part the machine is intended for (blackened out or colored orange) and an illustrated drawing of how to do the exercise. Some of the machines come with different attachments and you may nee

Operation Get Lean // Week 5 Recap

One more week will be 6 weeks  of clean eating and training 5 days a week (heavy weights) and at least 4 days of cardio (20 minutes).  I'm confident that you can make BIG progress and changes to your body and health in that relatively short amount of time.  I have "only" dropped about 3 pound (112 to 109), but I have gained muscle, which is my goal anyway.  I haven't tested my body fat, so I'm not really sure about the number, however, my jeans fit perfectly again so I know I'm making progress (they were getting difficult to button!).   I post progress pictures on my Instagram (@honeywerehome) and use #honeywerehealthy if you want to follow along. THE WORKOUTS 5 minute treadmill warmup (speed at 4.0), then go directly to planks.  I really don't do any other abdominal exercises, but my stomach is definitely getting leaner and more toned.  Monday  - Shoulders, 3 planks (2 1/2 min each), Cardio - 20 minute treadmill sprints at 7.5 mph Tuesday  - Off (my son&#