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Showing posts from November, 2013

Checking In & Melissa Bender Fitness

I was so pumped with the "finish the year healthy and strong" and have loved reading your comments about your plans to do the same.   Week one getting back to the gym was really tough, I was sore, sore, sore.  But, that's the pain that comes from being sedentary too long and it's a good sore- if you know what I mean.  Sitting in the steam room at my gym after a hard workout is on my thankful tree list this year.  Week two , I started to feel like I was getting my groove back.  Don't get me wrong, it's still difficult getting into those workouts, but about 15-20 minutes in and the music is pumping on my iPod and something just clicks and the workouts start feeling GOOD!  Do you know what I mean?  That is the best.  And in just two weeks, I can see small changes to my body that are really inspiring.   And now, week 3 , I'm backing off because I'm not feeling too good- got run down, feeling sick, and have to listen to my body and take a little break for

Finishing the Year Strong Update & Tex Mex Casserole with Egg Noodles

We last talked about our goal of finishing 2013 healthy and strong and I so appreciate your feedback in the comments.  Your courage to share where you are in your journey helps me be transparent in mine too and I feel like we're in this together.  I got in 4 really great workouts last week, and I feel that that's a good fit for my current schedule through the end of the year.  It takes some planning and preparation to make sure to get to the gym, but if I workout hard for at least 50 minutes, I'm good with 4 days.  Getting started back into a weight-lifting/workout routine is especially hard because you are so SORE for the first few days.  I had to take Advil a few times, but I'm already fine.  And isn't it funny how after just a few workouts you feel 5 pounds lighter?!  My scale says I'm down half a pound.  It's a start! via On Halloween, I ate 2 chocolate chip cookies that a mom from my son's school made and a mini Reese's Peanut Butter cup.  To b